Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Mysterious Stink

Well yesterday was a long, full day, empty of blog posting, as you might have/have not noticed. And today, while I should be blogging a real post, Rhett and I are on the search for a mysterious stink somewhere in our apartment.

The worst part is this: in order to actually find the stink (dirty diaper? rotten food? dead animal?) we actually have to do the smell test. It causes a little anxiety knowing each whiff in might be the last before you get that awful stink full face on.

One time, when we had to do the smell test, the stench was so bad, Rhett actually puked. At least he was able to hold it in until he got to the front porch and then upchucked outside.

I'll let you know how tonight goes.


Josh and Rach said...

Haha. This gave me a good laugh. Hope you found it without too much upchucking.

Margo said...

There was a mysterious stink that would come and go in Jalee's room. It was odd, she keeps her room quite clean and didn't eat in there (unlike the boys, ahem.)

Anyway, one day after much time had passed I found it! It was the electrical outlet behind her bed on the wall, it was melting! Yep, that was just a bit nerve wracking.