Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Monday Night Family Home Evening

I'm not sure who was giving the lesson on Monday night, but it ended up being a great discussion!

Me: "Girls, do you know what the Word of Wisdom is?"

Girls: "No."

Me: "Heavenly Father told Joseph Smith, and Joseph Smith wrote it down in the scriptures. And what it tells us is how to best take care of our bodies. Claire, what can we do to take care of our bodies?"

Claire: "Eat."

Me: "Good. Summer, what can we do to take care of our bodies?"

Summer: "Sleep."

Me: "Good! Claire, what else can we do?"

Claire: "Drink."

Me: "Good. Summer, what else can we do?"

Summer: "Eat."

Me: "Summer, what can we eat that is good for our bodies?"

Summer: "Carrots and bananas and broccoli. But we don't eat sugar because it can make us sick."

Claire: "And we don't eat crayons or markers."

Me: "Good point, Claire. And what does it mean when we take care of our bodies?"

Claire: "It tells Heavenly Father that we love Him."

Summer: "And it helps us to be healthy and strong and not sick."

Me: "That's right, girls. Good job."

1 comment:

Josh and Rach said...

Oh my goodness adorable! They are such little smarties. Way to go on the FHE Brittney :)