Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's about Pip-time

Lately, it seems Pyper has just exploded in personality. It is so fun to watch her interact with the girls, explore things on her own, make preferences to toys or other items, etc. 

Her vocabulary consists of "meh," for more, "da da" for dog, "bebe" for baby, "ha ha" for hot, "p p" for poopy, and "da da" for dad (we differentiate this from "dog" by what she is pointing to). :)

She absolutely love dogs, and will watch out our glass doors for the neighbor dog whenever she gets a chance. When she hears them barking, she will take off running to the doors so she can see them.

She is now sixteen months old. She has four teeth (all of which came in only a few weeks ago), and Rhett's trying to get her to say "huyuck" like Goofy because of her front top teeth. I don't think she'll do it though. 

She loves helping me unload the dishwasher and will open the silverware drawer so she can stack everything she pulls out of the machine inside the drawer. She also drinks from an open cup (went straight from me to an open cup), feeds herself, will wipe off the tray with a wipey or spunge when she's done, and will blow on her food if it's hot. She loves using a spoon or fork to eat with.

Here are some pictures . . .

She is such a pleasant girl. Most of the time, she is smiling like this.

She loves to color like the older girls. Rhett and I think it's hilarious when she parks herself in some random spot so she can lay on her stomach and color. You can see in the picture she's kicking her feet back and forth too.

Second day of pigtails (looking out the window for the dogs). 

I got these foam sheets at the dollar store. The girls love to play with them in the bath. Once they are wet, they stick to the wall. Pyper knew this, and proceeded to stick every single one on top of the other. She would pound it to the wall, putting her whole body into it sometimes. One at a time. It was hilarious.

This is Pyper's FAVORITE thing to do--cuddle with dad. He is absolutely her favorite thing (even more than dogs).

Check out those teeth!

She was on this kick for a bit trying to balance things. One time she balanced two cups. I tried to get a picture, but I missed it. Here she is balancing her carrot stick in her sister's water bottle.

She has just started opening her mouth and walking around, shoving her hand in it, when she wants to eat. She'll say, "Aaaaaah," as she wanders to us, indicating she's hungry.

She has also become quite the tease. She'll look at us when we want her to do something, then she slowly backs away, staring at us the whole time with a huge smile on her face. Then she'll turn and run. She is so funny.

And sorry, but no videos for now. The computer is telling me there's an error, and I have no idea what to do. :( I'll try to get it figured out and post some later.

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