Friday, April 19, 2013

The day came and went . . .

And there is still no baby in our arms! I can't believe it! It was actually kind of exciting. You know that feeling you have when it's your birthday and you're walking through Walmart feeling all cool thinking, "Oh yeah, it's my birthday." I get that feeling about every once a year. But this feeling yesterday was like, "Oh yeah, it's my due date." This was the first time ever I could feel this way! It was pretty exciting.

As I was checking out at Costco, the lady at the register asked, "So when are you due?" "Today!" I cried in excitement. Really, it was thrilling to say it.

And I'm not disappointed that the little one is still inside me. It's like the suspense is building now. It could be any moment. Even next week! I'm not feeling uncomfortable or grouchy or anything like my previous ones, so I'm okay if we wait a little longer.

And every night before we go to bed, we start getting this itching feeling like it's getting closer. (Well, because pretty much it is getting closer.)

I've been singing this song all day thinking about tonight. THIS COULD BE THE NIGHT!!!

(This is probably copyrighted and illegal, so let's not tell Rhett I posted it.)


auntanne said...


Mark said...

Tonight, or tomorrow night, or the next night - it's gotta be soon:)

Katelyn Wray said...

I would not be as calm as you. Good luck when the moment finally comes!! Can't wait to see what another Barney girl will look like??!

grannykrkm said...

Well, not that night, but two nights later on Shaylee's birthday!! We're all so tickled. Welcome to earth precious little baby Barney,trailing clouds of glory from her Heavenly Father. We love you, Barney family..