Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Claire's Day Out

Rhett is in DC this week for work, and since I enlisted some Beehives (12-13 year old girls in our ward) to come help out with the kiddos, I decided to take the girls on a date before the new baby comes. Today was Claire's day. She chose to get her nails painted. 

The salon we went to was great with Claire. I had called earlier to make the appointment, so they knew Claire was coming. They got her a drink of water, and they gave her a honey stick. 

The nail technician was so kind. She let Claire pick out five colors (Claire's idea). 

 Claire talked the whole time. She told the technician about red being her favorite color, that she went to school with teacher Paige and Pam, that she didn't know what the new baby's name was, and that sometimes she hits herself, says "oops" and then laughs, and that her birthday is in December when Santa comes while they are sleeping.

She was a little nervous when she put her hands in the drying machine thing. I wonder if it was a similar moment to Eep on The Croods when she gets shoes for the first time and yells, "Where are my feet?!?"

The finished product: (Note--the jewels on her middle finger and thumb. The technician put those on as a special treat. And as a special treat for mom, the technician didn't charge me anything!)

For the past few days, Claire and I had talked about "our special day" today. It was so fun to have some time for just the two of us. 

I'll post next about our Easter celebrations and about our April Fool's Day.


Margo said...

Tell Claire her nails are beautiful!

Heather said...

How special for her. Great idea!