Wednesday, April 17, 2013

While Waiting . . .

I finished a project I started about three years ago. :) And I love it! It's our family tree! Each light green leaf is a woman's name and each dark green leaf is a man's name. Rhett and I are in the middle of the tree, and the girls' names are along the trunk. I know, I know, I should have used a ruler so I could write straight--it's killing me that some of it is a little crooked. But it's okay. I love it. According to this tree, it shows SIX generations (if you count our kids). And I love the frame! It was given to us with an original painting in it from some friends who moved and didn't want it any more. I was so excited about that!

We fingerpainted with chocolate pudding. Pyper didn't really get the idea. She just ate it in handfuls. Summer did some beautiful artwork . . . .

And Claire just said, "More pudding please."

And we are still trying to figure out our new camera. So all these pictures are taken from my phone. They aren't the best quality, but at least it's something!

The girls were also practicing their pull-ups with a broomstick on two chairs. Then Pyper had to do it too. 

Rhett's busy working and pampering me. He got highlighted in the local paper--a very nice article that I'll try to find a link to online. 

And me, well, I'm just waiting. Tomorrow will be a big day--whether we have her or not. I've never made it to my due date before! My midwife actually thinks I'll make it to my due date this time because I've done better with my nutrition this pregnancy. From what I've read and learned, if a pregnant mother is lacking in vitamins, minerals, water, anything, then she can go into labor early because the body is afraid it won't have enough nutrition to take care of the baby. So it wants to get the baby out. On all my previous pregnancies, I wasn't even taking prenatals! (Since I couldn't swallow pills.) But now that I can swallow pills, I've been taking some great supplements: catalyn, cataplex B12, trace minerals, vitamin D, and fish oil. I've also been drinking more water, and taking a protein drink before going to bed (which helps me sleep through the night comfortably!). 

I don't know if my change in nutrition is why we haven't had this baby yet, but I do think it has something to do with it. 

My body is not uncomfortable. I'm feeling pretty good, which I attribute to our NUCCA dr. I'm definitely feeling pregnant, but no aches and pains like previous pregnancies. The only thing that has been "uncomfortable" is my mental state! About two weeks ago, I started simplifying things so that when the baby came, I could just focus on her and the girls. I finished up projects, put my writing goals aside, and packed my craft stuff up. But now I am completely bored! So I got my writing out again and have been working on that here and there.

I know I still need to do a special post about Summer, and one about Claire too. Maybe that's what I'll do over the next few days--if I'm not in labor!


Maria said...

I can't wait to see your little girl! But it's really good news that you've been feeling better and that you've been able to get better nutrition for both the baby and you. Love the tree too.

Heather said...

Yay you finished the tree! I still love mine. That's good you've been able to finish up some projects and prep for this baby girl....we'll wait for some news! Good luck!

Mark said...

"Hang tough sis", the anxious grandpa says.