Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Last week, I dreamt about a blue llama that hurdled a fence. It was one of the most vivid and craziest dreams I can remember. Rhett said it would be a fun character for a children's book.

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My much-missed sister-in-law sent me an email the other day with this in it:
Thought I should write you to tell you that I had a dream about you the other night where you came to visit together with your pet rat. You had it sitting on your shoulder and it was very well behaved. You also recommended that everyone have a pet rat of their own.

She ended it with this:
Anyways, let me know if my dream comes true and you actually get a pet rat.

* * *

As I was driving the girls home from school the other day, Summer said, "Mom, I had a dream you forgot me at the store and left me there." I was devastated! What an awful dream for a little three-year-old. And I actually believe she had the dream because I remembered her waking up in the night and calling out. I tried reassuring her that I would never leave her. But she had already moved on and decided to tell me the rest of her dream.

"You took a magazine and didn't pay for it," she said.


Margo said...

So you are a shoplifter, rat owner and child abandon-er. Probably a great day for your self-esteem.

Mark said...

Sounds more like a nigthmare. Perhaps you should sleep less. Wow.....

Maria said...

Hahaha, what is going on here? Between the lama, the rat and the shoplifting you start wondering!

auntanne said...

Thank goodness dreams come while are brain is at rest.

Anonymous said...

I think the pet rats and the blue llama would both make great children's stories! I can't wait to read them.