Sunday, October 23, 2011

Summer and Claire

I was getting ready to do a Halloween post when I realized I had a few pictures of the girls that I wanted to share. So stay tuned for the next post--it will be all about our Halloween festivities. As for now, I don't know why some of these were taken, but I thought they were cute.



Dad had fun one night with the girls' hair. We tried and tried to get Summer's to stand up without Dad's help, but I could never get the picture taken at the right moment before it fell over. So he's helping it out just a bit.

We love our girls!


Jillyn said...

The girls are growing up! I can't believe how big Summer looks. I love it. How are you feeling?

Mark said...

At some point, Jill too wants to be able to say, "We love our girls!"

Katelyn Wray said...

hahah dad!They are growing up way fast Claire looks so old!

Josh and Rach said...

That last pic of the 2 girls together just melts me!! Sure do miss those cuties. So happy you put up a belly picture, you look adorable as usual.