Monday, October 24, 2011

Some Things They Say . . .

So I know I said I'd do a Halloween post next, but I thought I'd throw this in real quick next to the Summer and Claire post.

Claire's language skills are increasing so rapidly. I love how she and Summer have conversations together. It is so much fun to listen to them. Claire also tells us stories or recalls things that happened. It usually goes something like this: "Bonk. Head. Over there. Fall." or "See. Doggy. Guys. Walk."

A while ago, I was driving in an unfamiliar area and I was mumbling to myself about how to get to where I was supposed to go. Summer asked what was wrong and I responded, "Oh, I'm just not quite sure where we are at." Claire called out, "Oh maaaan."

And yesterday, I picked the girls up from Nursery, and as we were leaving, Claire spun around and said, "Kank you guys!"

She has also picked up a funny little thing where she hears Summer say "No thank you," so she says, "No kank you peas." (No thank you please.) So we'll be passing around the beans or the broccoli at the dinner table, and she pipes up, "No kank you peas."

School has been soooooo wonderful for Summer. I don't know what we would have done if she couldn't have gone. She is learning so much--socially and educationally. And she's getting lots of reinforcements at school for the things we do at home. Now it's not just crazy parents that want her to be polite (etc.), but she sees that her friends and teachers do it too, so it's now okay to say please, thank you, and no thank you. She also can identify quite a few letters. "S" for Summer, "O" for Olivia. "P" for Porter. "X" for Xandra. "B" for Burnadette. "C" for Claire. "R" for Rachel. "G" for Grandma. "M" for Mom. "D" for Dad. And she knows the rest of the letters in her name too. We are proud of her progress.

The other day, I came into our office and she was typing on our computer. I said, "Summer! You're not supposed be typing on the computer!" She turned and looked at me, and then said, "But I'm checking my oatmeal!" (email)

We were getting gas and "Bring Back That Lovin' Feeling" was on the radio. I was singing along, and Summer said, "Mom, I don't know this song." I said, "Yeah, it's kind of a song for old people." (No offense to you "old people" out there.) She said, "Like you? Are you old peoples mom?" I laughed. "I guess," I said.


Mark said...

Priceless moments.

Jillyn said...

That is hilarious. Don't worry, I'm an "old peoples" right there with you. I'm feeling older and older with each passing day. :) Love the updates...keep them coming!