Monday, October 17, 2011

Reports on a Birthday, the Fair, and The Belly (plus a Cute Kitty)

We had a fun time celebrating Rhett's birthday last week. I made these Black Bean Chocolate Cupcakes. They were delicious! Wow. Better than a chocolate cake mix. And super easy too. Thanks Heather for the recipe! (We've also made them again since Rhett's birthday! Mmmm!) For our party, we played red light/green light with the girls. I just sat on a chair and when I held the green balloon up, Dad and the girls would run towards me, but when I switched to the red balloon, they were to stop. Claire got a little distracted, but Summer had a great time playing with Dad. It was a lot of fun.

Back in September, we went to the Spokane County Fair. While we were wandering around, we saw a booth where this guy would tear with his fingernails out of black paper any kind of silhouette you wanted. He had a whole portfolio of Superman, birds in trees, Abe Lincoln, etc. So we had him do the girls. Can you tell who is who? We thought it was pretty amazing.

As an afterthought, we also had him do me too:

And as we're nearing the end of this pregnancy, here's a couple pictures documenting my size
Finally, Summer got invited to her first birthday party on Saturday. It was a dress up birthday party, and she wanted to be a kitty in her black witch dress. She was so excited about it. But me? I dropped her off, came home, and just bawled. Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones, but here's another first for us, and I'm sappy when it comes to the girls growing up.


Mark said...

Beautiful girls.... All three of them. Rhett, you're a lucky man!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday, Rhett! I love those profile pictures, super super cool! Good luck with the last stretch of the pregnancy!

Maria said...

Love the belly pics!