Thursday, January 28, 2010


Summer talking:
Summer reading:
Claire staring:


Mark said...

If you can obtain the gift of tongues, you can understand when Summer is reading!
Mom says Claire looks like a Searle baby. Thanks for the great movie clips.
Love ya

Katelyn Wray said...

does Claire have some tooters? hehe Summer has grown up so much! I love her talking when she is reading. Claire is getting so big too! Love you all!

Blatter said...

Holy cow! Claire has changed so much! Graham and I watched the movies twice and he was glued to the computer. He would talk after each one. Summer is talking great and she is so cute. I love how in most of your videos of her she tries to stick her finger on the camera. It cracks me up. SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH!

Lance and Darcie and Auzzy said...

The videos were cute. Sounded like Claire had a few fluffers in her. :) Summer is getting cuter. Gotta love her talking. Just wait until she starts talking back and being sassy. I am going to have to show Austyn when I get back to Idaho. Glad to see you guys are doing well and your maintaining your sanity.