Andrew and Maria came to visit us this weekend. I was in the bedroom feeding Claire, and when I came out, they showed me what Summer had done--without anyone showing her or anything. I guess she threw one at the wall and it landed like that, so she started picking out all the cylinders and putting them up like this. (And she got ALL the cylinders plus one little square block.) We all thought it was hilarious.
So when I tell people her hair is a mess when she wakes up, I'm not exaggerating . . .
A few days ago, she put her jacket on, put on my purse, waved goodbye, and went into the kitchen (like she does when she's playing "going to the store").
Summer came home from nursery a few Sundays ago with this. Her first picture that she colored from nursery, so of course, we had to hang it on our fridge and blog about it.
And . . . the moment you've all been waiting for . . . (and some have even called and bugged me till I told them . . .):
The first picture is Claire.
The second is Summer.
Holy Cow, its about time for an update.....Summer is getting so big! I can't believe it. I was bummed there weren't any pictures of Claire though....I'm dying to see how big she is. Keep the posts comin! Love you. Let me know when the package arrives. ;o)
The updates are priceless. We can't wait for "the next update". (I think Summer gets her morning hair doo from Grandma!)
Love ya
Summer is looking like she getting smarter. I love how Summer likes to play store. Auzzy still does that it is quite funny. I will be glad to see pictures of claire and she how she is grown.
What else would you do with a picture from nursery besides put it on the fridge and blog about it?? :)
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