Monday, April 13, 2009

An Eventful Weekend

We had a great weekend! First off, we got our visas in the mail for Brazil. It was an exciting moment, much awaited for. Checking the mail for the visas was the first thing Rhett would do every day when he would get home from school. So it was very exciting when we finally got them.
Rhett's dad (Grandpa Barney) and Andrew and Maria came to visit. We visited the Falls,
saw the garbage eating metal goat (eating Andrew's jacket),
and played on the gigantic red wagon.
When we got back, we realized we had left our apartment key in the apartment. So here's our adventure of getting in. (This is the THIRD time we've done it. Can you believe it? And it costs $20 to get management to open it!)

NOPE! It was locked. And the "slide-the-debit-card-along-the-inside" trick didn't work. Here's Maria trying to pick the lock with her bobby pin.

And here's Grandpa and Andrew working our last hope--Summer's bedroom window. They finally got the screen off and slid open the glass. (Thank goodness we'd left it unlocked!) Andrew climbed through to save the day!

Along with Rhett surviving a punch in the face from me (his "eyeball" according to him), we colored eggs and played "Whoonu" until the wee hours of the morning. We had a great time together!

Summer--ready for Easter Sunday.


Jenni Cummings said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Summer looks so cute in her little dress in the last picture - she sure is growing up - she is so cute! :) Congratulations on getting your visas - that will be a fun trip for you guys. :)

Linda and Terry said...

That's to funny Britt. I loved how you caught it all on camera. We've locked ourselves out several times and had to break a window to get in. Glad you finally got in without any damage ;)Whew! Summer's dress is so pretty on her! She is one happy little girl. Loved the easter egg shot with the funny face on it :)

Leanna said...

haha Gotta love the adventures that happen when you get locked out. That happened to us once in Rexburg, and we were standing there trying to jimmy our window open when our brand new neighbors pulled in...yeah it didn't look too good. =D

Congrats on getting the visas in the mail! And Summer is looking too cute!!!

Mark said...

Rhett and Britt,
We leave the key in the "secret hiding place." No need to go through the window.
Daddy Mark

Margo said...

Oh my goodness. Rhett's beard! We climb in our bathroom all the time. I keep telling Brent to just leave the door UNLOCKED.

The JL McGregor Family said...

Looks like fun to break into your own joint. ... but maybe a secret hiding place or in the car or trusty friend would be another option!

Brazil sounds like fun!