Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas!

My goal in years past was to have our family film uploaded for viewing on Christmas Eve.

Well, after spending the majority of the day on my very fun project and less of the time with the girls, I decided to lighten up on my goal and get it posted when I can. 

So here it is.

Merry Christmas! Hope you all had a wonderful celebration.

(And yes, it is really TEN minutes long. It's just so hard for me to cut these sweet faces in their awesome acting! I had to convert it to a smaller size so the pictures aren't as crisp. Sorry!)

Look at how the girls have grown!


auntanne said...

Bravo! I was entertained.
Thank you

Mark said...

This is even better than I remember. Simply superb! Wonderful job!

Blatter said...

LOVED IT! You're amazing! Basil's cheeks are luscious!