Sunday, August 26, 2012

In the two minutes I have to blog . . .

Summer: Turned four in July. Always is a burst of energy. AKA Firecracker. Eyes light up when she becomes delighted. Will sit for hours to listen to stories. Hears music and begins moving her body to the beat. Is a very good eater now. Helps set the table. Clears her dishes. Gets dressed by herself. Combs her own hair. Loves to have her hair down. Is the negotiator of the family--can talk you out of almost anything.

Claire: Will turn three in December. Is very compassionate and caring. Becomes concerned when all the people in Robin Hood get locked up--and even gets teary eyed. Notices when Rhett or I wear something new or different and comments on it ("Dad, I like your shirt." "Dad, did you get a hair cut?"). Got her own eyelash out of her eye the other day and was very proud. Most of the time she's either in her swim suit, or she's naked. Can identify a "C" when she sees one.

Pyper: Turns ten months in September. Points--not at things, but will just sit or crawl with her finger pointed. Prefers her right leg when standing up (physical therapist tells us to encourage her to use her left). Clicks her tongue and smacks her lips to interact with us. Claps. Loves to eat. Favorite foods: scrambled egg whites with cheese, squash, pears, apple sauce, shredded chicken, blueberries, cream of wheat, black beans, cooked broccoli, pumpkin puree, yams, green beans . . . okay, so anything we give her. Crawls up the stairs.  Loves, loves, loves her maraca. Has had success on the toilet about four times now.

Other updates:
*Went in on a three-house garage sale yesterday. Made $16.
*Purchased a non-gasoline lawn mower off craigslist, and it's AWESOME. Will post picture soon.
*Got a new bishopric today, and the Elder's quorum president was called to the bishopric, so most likely Rhett will be released soon.
*I'm still ward choir pianist and RS music conductor.
*Pyper is the star of RS.
*Still no strawberries on our strawberry plant.
*Trampoline and swing get as much use now as they did their very first days here.
*Are headed now to a friend's for dinner!

1 comment:

Josh and Rach said...

Love love the blog updates! The girls seem to be doing well and growing so much. We are super bummed we didnt get to see you guys but are hoping for October! Glad you still had a really fun weekend. The spontaneous hotel in Seattle sounds so fun!