Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We visited Andrew and Maria over in Tacoma last weekend and had a great time. The best part, (in my opinion) is when the girls are asleep at the end of the day and we stay up late playing games. That's when our true personalities come out, Rhett and Andrew become experts on everything, and Maria and I lose at Pictionary (every time).

While we were there, we visited the Puget Sound. Here are some pictures of it.

Thanks Andrew and Maria. We had such a great time!

And here's a clip I took today of Summer. Before I recorded her, every time I asked her what her name was, she would say, "Wendy" (from Peter Pan). But she got it right for the video clip. It's a long one--she sings her ABC's, and I wanted to get a bit of her talking.

Here is a clip of Claire today during lunch. She had eaten almost a quarter of a turban squash, a half a cup of yogurt, and about ten grapes (sliced, of course). So for a little dessert today, she got some mini M&M's. (Notice the mess of hair caused by yogurt-y fingers. Love it.)


Mark said...

Two very special girls, with two very special parents. Can't wait till Sunday!

Brett and Cherice said...

Your girls are getting so big! They are so cute:)