Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Latest on Everyone

--just fixed the Hyundai's windshield wipers and the Alero's engine problem, and saved us hundreds of dollars. What a man!
--got a call from the Shelley missionaries saying they hadn't noticed him at church in a while and were wondering how he was doing.
--is now beginning to prepare for finals.
--has made a snowman and a snow-dragon on the tiled floor for Summer.
--is still working at Trademark Management, and known as the definite "Go-To" guy.

--is still teaching piano to a few students.
--is busy crafting presents for the girls for Christmas.
--is getting ready (with mixed feelings) to wean Claire.
--is busy making finger-puppets and printable color books of Toy Story characters for Summer.

--can now navigate the computer's mouse pad by herself to click on her choice of YouTube nursery rhymes.
--said almost an entire prayer by herself.
--loves playing "Boolah, Boolah" (or "Booyah, Booyah" according to her) at night when she gets her vitamin before bed. She will hide it for herself, then we sing "Boolah, Boolah" until she finds it . . . which doesn't take very long.
--is no longer taking any naps during the day, and hence, going to bed BEAUTIFULLY. Sometimes, when her head hits the pillow, she is OUT. What a relief to her parents.
--is loving the snow and our Christmas tree and lights. It's going to be a fun Christmas this year.
--wakes up in the morning and says, "My Christmas tree awake!" and runs out to see the tree.
--sings all the time--making up her own songs which are most often times undecipherable.

--is sooooooo close to walking. She's taken a few steps here and there, and one time, made it to five, but won't take THE final step to walking.
--still has no teeth, but is getting close.
--will crawl over to a blanket, pull it over her head, and just sit there until someone notices and says, "Where's Claire?" then she starts laughing.
--wants to do everything that Summer does, and will just follow her around everywhere.
--wore two pigtails to church yesterday for the first time.
--makes lots of squeaking and squealing noises.
--says "Owie." I'm not sure if it's a real word, or just some sounds she's making, but she says it.
--has this funny little grin when she's pleased with herself. Her mouth stays closed, but it's the biggest smile she can give. It's so funny.


Emily said...

Wow, those Shelley missionaries sure are impressive:) What a crack up!

Mark said...

Thanks for the great visit. Your little family is growing up toooooo fast. We can't wait till you get to come to Idaho again. (I'll make an appointment with the missionairies!)

Andrew & Christy said...

How fun!! We've always enjoyed Boolah, Boolah in our family growing up! Your girls are the sweetest.