Thursday, April 22, 2010

Photo Shoot by Summer

Summer loves playing with the camera. She knows how to turn it on and take pictures, and sometimes, it's pretty impressive what she gets.

Amidst all the couch cushion pictures, she caught the tv.
And surprisingly, she got me! (Not a flattering picture of me, however. We'll work on it.)
Me again . . . kind of.
Nice picture of the carseat.

And these next ones are actually quite artistic.
This one is focused on the closer image, blurred on the ones farther away, with the remote situated just right on the left side.
A nice self-portrait (for a future facebook account???).

Once again, a closeup of the cushions with a blurred background adding depth.And this one--this could probably win a contest or something. I have no idea how she got the spinning effect on the ceiling. Pretty amazing, eh? Maybe we'll have her take Claire's next milestone pictures.


Katelyn Wray said...

love it! they are really good! I'll teach summer the tricks of how to take amazing pictures worthy of putting on facebook! haha

Jillyn said...

I can't believe the self portrait one. Hilarious. Have her lfy down and she can take Noah's milestone pictures too. Or maybe even Kate's wedding pictures....

Lance and Darcie and Auzzy said...

Those are some pretty neat pictures. You are more brave then me I wouldn't have let Austyn take pictures because I would have been afraid of her breaking the camera. But now I think of it. It would probably keep her ocuppied. You are so creative and Summer can take some pretty good pictures. i like the idea that Jillyn had for Kate's wedding.

Andres said...

I love Summer's self portrait and the artistic flair in the other ones! You guys better start saving up for art school. / Maria