Monday, June 22, 2015

New Baby #5!

The newest addition to the Barney family:

June (middle name yet to be decided) Barney--baby girl #5!
She came early Sunday morning. (Which made Sunday a big celebration because of Father's Day, the first lost tooth of the Barney kids, and of course, the new baby.)

I'll write her birth story later, but for now, we'll just share pictures. (Of the baby, not the lost tooth. I'll post a picture of a toothless smile soon.)

This picture is about ten minutes after she was born. She got her thumb in her mouth and started sucking away.

Love this picture.

After June was born, I got in the bathtub with her. The only bathtub we have is in the girls' bathroom. Well, Summer woke up to use the toilet, came walking in and smiled at me to say hello. Then she looked in the bathtub at the swimming baby (doing a back float in my hands) and her eyes grew so wide! It was so fun to see her reaction. She was so excited! She went running out to tell Rhett and my mom when I called her back to go to the bathroom first. It was so funny. So after June got out of the tub, Summer got to hold her for her first time. It was too exciting for Summer and she actually didn't go back to sleep for about 2-3 more hours. Poor thing. I thought she'd be exhausted on Sunday, but she made it through the day very pleasantly. (Thanks to the lost tooth!)

Here's Pyper's reaction to waking up and having a new little sister.

And Basil's:

 I didn't get Claire's first reaction. But she just kept saying, "She's so adorable! She's so cute!" Here she is--holding her after church.

While everyone was getting a chance to hold June, Summer turned to Rhett with her loose tooth and asked him to pull it out. He twisted it just a little and out it came! Boy was everyone so excited! The girls thought it was the coolest thing ever. I was still a little grossed out, but it was fun to see all their enjoyment from it.

My mom took all the girls to church so Rhett and I could rest. We tied pink ribbons in their hair so everyone would know it was a girl. It was a fun way for the girls to share the news. When they walked in to Sacrament meeting, Pyper with her hands in the air said, "We are having a celebration! It's Father's Day, Summer lost her tooth, and we have a new baby! We are having a celebration!"

This is her hair after we washed it. Love the curl!


Mark said...

I must agree with Pyper - it certainly was a celebration! June has quite the head of hair. Wowza! 5 girls. 5 weddings. 55 boy friends. (oh my!) What a joyful future!

auntanne said...

Welcome June! And congratulations to the happy family

Jillyn said...

Man, i want to give those juicy cheeks some kisses!!! Sure wish I was there!!!

Heather said...

love all the updates and pictures of the girls!!