Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Lately, Summer has really gotten into a book series called The Rainbow Fairies. She loves them! We ordered the first set from the book order, and now she gets new ones each week from her library day. 

There are mini-series within the whole series of books. So the first set is the Rainbow Fairies, then there's the Pet Fairies, the Weather Fairies, the Music Fairies, the Party Fairies, and more and more. Each of these mini-series has 7 books in it (one for each fairy that corresponds with a color of the rainbow). 

Each book has about 65 pages (with some pictures), and Summer sits and reads them silently in only an hour! I can't believe it!

I finally went to the public library and checked out all six of the music fairies (one was checked out) so that she has something to read until next Tuesday, her library day.

I love seeing her sitting on the couch or her bed or my bed next to me as she reads and reads. It reminds me of me when I was her age.  :)


Margo said...

I remember how excited I was when Bryce wanted to read all of the Captain Underpants books! Now he'll only read non-fiction and history books...wonder what she'll grow up to enjoy?

Katelyn Wray said...

I loved book orders and that last picture is hilarious

Mark said...

I seem to remember you in that reading position. It's a great habit.