Friday, June 27, 2014

Reading and Good Lighting

Since everything had been boxed up for our move, when we began unpacking boxes for the playroom, everything we opened was new and exciting. The playroom was not the first thing we unpacked, so it had been quite a few weeks since the girls had any of their toys--which was no problem because they've spent so much time outside.

Here, we just opened their box of books. I'm not sure how long they stayed like this, but it was quite a while.

Here's a clip of them all reading. Claire is doing some "silent reading," but the rest of them are reading out loud. Pip busts into "I am a Child of God" in part of it. 

Before Basil could go down the stairs, she would sit on our front porch and look out over the street. The lighting was pretty good, so I caught a couple shots.

 At our old place, the light was shining nicely on Pyper, so I took some pictures to capture her sweetness.


Blatter said...

Puppet looks so much like you! Love all the pics!

Blatter said...

Autospell changed her name. Pyper not puppet

Jillyn said...

I was a little confused on who puppet was. :) I love the clip of them all reading. So cute!!