Monday, November 18, 2013

The Chicken or the Egg . . . and a Pickle

We were driving home from school a few days ago and our conversation went like this:
Summer: "Mom, how do they make paper?"
Me: "Ummmmm, well, from wood. Maybe we can watch a video on the computer about it."
Summer: "How do they make wood?"
Me: (feeling a little more confident about this answer than the one before): "Wood grows in trees."
Summer: "How do they make seeds?"
Me: "Seeds grow from plants."
Summer: "Well, how did seeds come before plants if plants grow from seeds?"

Smart girl.

* * *

And on November 4, 2013, Summer wrote her first word by sounding it out:

The smiley faces were her idea.
Love my little writer.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Those are deep deep questions. Britt, I'm glad you have a manual with all the answers - because the questions will just keep coming!