Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pictures as Promised

I caught Pyper by surprise while she was hiding under a blanket.

The girls put this pink blanket over the piano bench, Summer "buckled" with her pink belt, then drove Claire around with the Wii steering wheel.

Summer worked really hard to tape everything she could think of.

Summer also dressed up this inflatable minion (from Despicable Me).

I told Claire to smile for the camera and she started making all these goofy faces.

Summer made this table and chairs with her large floor puzzle pieces, and then they all had a tea party with pistachios and water.

Who knows what's going on here . . .

Pippy, crawling like crazy, and sucking on everything.

On another note, Summer gave her first scripture and prayer today in Primary! Back in January when she first started attending Sunbeams, she asked almost every Sunday to get up and say the scripture and prayer, so when it was her turn this week, she was so thrilled. The lesson was on keeping the commandments, so we chose John 3:5, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." She had it memorized only after a few practices.
Well, today, Rhett and I did our usual routine--he took the girls to their classes while I cared for Pippy. Then we met up in Sunday School. Only a few minutes there, I remembered Summer had her scripture and talk. Rhett and I booked it into the Primary, and walked in to see Summer up at the microphone saying, "My daddy . . . um . . . my daddy . . . " My first thought was, "How long has she been up there?" And my second thought was, "And what has she been saying???" Rhett went up and cued her in a whisper. Then she said her scripture, and gave a simple, beautiful prayer, saying, "Thanks for Primary. Thanks for all the kids. I like that," and closing it. We were so proud of her. (And when we talked about it when we got home, I realized she was trying to say the words to the song they had sung for the congregation for Father's Day--"My daddy is my favorite pal . . ." but she couldn't remember anything past "My daddy." Haha. Sweet little thing.)

We love these girls so much. And we love Dad so much too. He is such a hard worker, and he sacrifices so much to take care of us. We know it's not easy living with four girls, but he does it with a smile. Most of the time. hehehe. jk

1 comment:

Mark said...

Isn't life grand? What we do without these precious littlt spirits. Britt, you do a great job capturing the moments.