Monday, November 21, 2011

What was lost . . . now is found . . .

After a long week of absence, our camera has reappeared--thanks to Dad who found it hidden in the back of our closet where the girls hide (and of course, we found it the day after Dad went out and bought another one). But we're glad we have it again, and we're glad we can post more pictures of the girls.

Pyper sun bathing:

I posted these two pictures of the girls after Claire was born, and then realized today that I had one similar of Pyper too. I originally took this picture of Pyper because Claire was sharing her doll with Pyper, but I love the profile of her little face. (All these pictures were taken within the first week of their lives.)


Claire and Summer both love holding Pyper all the time. (Ignore Pyper's spit up on the the sheets.)
Just playing . . .

And now that we have a tiny little baby around, the girls look sooooo much older.

Other happenings--
It's been snowing quite a bit here. Well, just Friday and Saturday it snowed pretty much all day. The girls were so excited. But I think Rhett was more excited than they were. We went out on Saturday (thanks to my mom who watched Pyper for us), and got the girls snow clothes and a saucer, and when we got home, we bundled them up and Rhett pulled them around. The girls absolutely loved it. But again, I think Rhett loved it more. He ran up and down the street, back and forth, and they screamed and laughed and fell off, then climbed back on for more. They came in with pink noses, cheeks, and chins, but they couldn't stop talking about it.


Mark said...

What a great dad!
And those three daughters, all beautiful!

Andres said...

Thanks for the update! Love seeing all three girls. And I spent a while comparing them as newborns. Summer and Pyper definitely have the same ears and maybe head shape, but Summer had a pointier chin I think. They're all very cute!

Blatter said...

Holy cow! They look like triplets in their baby pictures! Love the snow outfits! Sounds like fun!

Margo said...

Really like the three baby pictures. That is really cool. Def think Pyper has more of a summer look but it will be interesting to see as she grows.