Friday, December 3, 2010

Similarities and Differences

Since I haven't had a chance to upload pictures for a while, I've decided to post anyway. Here's a list of similarities and differences about the girls.

*Both girls started going on the potty at age 7 months. (Nothing permanent, but usually once daily they would go when we sat them on it.)
*Both girls got their first teeth at around 12 months. Summer--right before she turned one, and Claire is sooooo close.
*Neither girls were talking much around age one.
*Both girls are small for their ages. The doctors call it "underweight," but we like to call it "petite."
*Both girls started crawling around 5 months and walking at 12.
*Both girls eat frozen peas like candy.


*Claire is very cautious. It always seems she has to think about what she is planning on doing--deciding whether it's worth it--then she does it. (Definitely a Brittney-trait.)
Summer, on the other hand, is a risk taker. If it was up to her, she'd probably want to go sky diving for her third birthday. (Definitely a Rhett-trait.)
*Claire is a very content child. She's happy just sitting and looking around. She'll crawl over to me and give me loves all the time and remain in my lap just to cuddle.
Summer is always on the go. She never holds still long enough for more than a 30-second cuddle. She's always running or climbing or jumping around.
*Claire does not like cheese.
Summer loved cheese at Claire's age. She would eat it all the time.
*Claire drinks cow's milk.
Summer never drank cow's milk. She's just barely started drinking a little here and there. Claire's probably had more milk than Summer has her whole life!

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