Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Summer's 4 Month Checkup

Summer went in for her four month checkup last Friday. She was 24 inches in length and 11 lbs 4 oz. The doctor said she is looking good and healthy. He saw her roll over and said that we wouldn't need to worry at all about her development; she's ahead of schedule and doing great. Before we know it, Summer will be studying in school like her dad! She's already surfing the internet like him!


Brett and Cherice said...

Summer is so adorable! I am glad all is well!

Taunya Spaulding said...

Oh my! look at her! she's so cute! i can't believe she's 4 months already! good to hear all is well!

Lance and Darcie and Auzzy said...

Wow! Its already been four months. It looks like Summer is going to be a smart cookie and maybe out smart Mom and Dad.

alisekelley said...

So cute!

The Christensens said...

I can't believe that she is already 4 months! What a cutie!

Leanna said...

I love the picture! Hazel likes to stare at the computer screen, too. Must be all the bright colors. And Hazel almost rolled over from her tummy to her back the other day. It's amazing how fast they grow!