Monday, July 4, 2011

Five Years Ago . . .

Five years ago, today, I was out chasing cows, and Rhett was chasing girls. No really. It's true. Our cows got out the morning of the 4th of July, and I was helping my dad herd them in while Rhett was calling to invite me to "hang out." He ended up going to the parade with some girl, then we hung out for a little bit before the fireworks, where he dropped me off home, and picked up some other girl to take to the fireworks.

Though I like to tease him about it now, I know I'm lucky that I'm the one that got him, and not someone else. It was a hot competition.

Five years later, here we are . . .
I'm so lucky.


Andres said...

Love these pictures!

grannykrkm said...

How fun to look at your blog. All the pictures are so fun and like you, we can't believe all that has happened in the last five years for you. Brittney, your darling comments make your story come to life. Thanks for sharing. We love you, Rhett, Brittney, Summer, Claire and little baby sister.
Grandma and Grandpa Bob.