Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Law School Begins

Well, yesterday was Rhett's first day of classes . . . and he came home with a smile on his face. That was a relief. We were both worried the professors would try to scare everyone off on the first day of class. But the classes were actually quite enjoyable for him. One of his professors is from Nepal--he has a very heavy accent which everyone is trying to adjust to, and he also has very interesting stories. We think Rhett will really enjoy going to school here.
Summer and Mom are doing well. We went "window shopping" at the mall with some friends yesterday. Mom found a book of poems about mothers written by Maya Angelou (one of her favorite poets) and the "window shopping" quickly transformed to just plain "shopping." She probably won't be taking any "emergency" money with her next time she goes.
Summer's growing and starting to recognize Mom and Dad's faces. She gave Dad some really big smiles yesterday--quite rewarding for Dad since he had been gone all day and just got home. She's also experimenting with the noises that come out of her mouth. It is so fun to listen to her try to talk!

1 comment:

Jillyn said...

Britt! Love the background. I'm so proud that you're a new blogger. :) It looks great. Let me know if you have anymore questions...since I'm such an expert. Ha ha! Give Summer some kisses for me...and Rhett too! :) Just kidding. Miss you all and love you more.